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Anecdotes Wanted on Racial Blinders; Twitter Chat Tuesday
You might have seen Journal-isms items on the Confederate idolatry that continues around the South in street names, monuments, etc., such as this from last week: Where Are Monuments to Black Heroes of Reconstruction?
The Association of Opinion Journalists plans to collect pieces "looking back to the era of racial blinders in media, or current blinders, relevant mostly to people who do professional writing, editing or audio-video producing of opinion for a public audience. They can be anywhere from a 50-word anecdote to a 700-plus essay."
The association can't pay the writers, but the pieces will be on a website visible to the public, and be seen by many of the nation's editorial writers.
The group would like to post them by about Feb. 15.
If you have something to contribute, please notify rprince (at) mije.org. The messages will be forwarded to John McClelland, editor of the Masthead, the AOJ publication.
Meanwhile, the Maynard Institute for Journalism Education is conducting a Twitter chat Tuesday on consequences of the distorted coverage of people of color.
"From Trayvon Martin to a young man being arrested for buying an expensive belt, the distorted coverage of communities of color has consequence. Join the Maynard Institute for Journalism Education tomorrow for a twitter chat on the coverage and consequences of inaccurate #media coverage and what we can do to change the narrative Feb. 11, noon ET at #diversitychat," an announcement said on Monday.